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IV Therapy

Myers Nutrient IV

Improve overall wellness and immune support. Help chronic conditions such as fatigue, fibromyalgia, migraines, muscle spasms, and allergies. Great for pre and post-op. Contains vitamin C, B12, folic acid, B complex, minerals, and magnesium.

Heart Health IV

Improve endothelial function, reduce oxidative stress, detoxify the body, and accelerate muscle recovery from exercise. May decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and inflammation. Contains vitamin C, B12, B complex, magnesium, amino acids, and taurine.

Rejuvenation IV

Replenish and beautify your skin, hair, and nails. Boost collagen levels and slow down the natural aging process, giving your skin a natural healthy glow. Contains vitamin C, B12, folic acid, biotin, amino acids, and glutathione.

Pain Relief IV

Reduce pain from chronic inflammation and get back to living. Contains vitamin C, magnesium, B complex, procaine, sodium bicarbonate, and zinc.

Immune Support IV

Support your immune system and shorten the duration of a cold or the flu with this IV. Contains vitamin C, B complex, B12, zinc, thymosin alpha 1, and amino acids.

Energy IV

Improve energy and focus. This IV is perfect for people on the go or in a hurry due to shorter infusion time. Contains B complex, B12, amino acids, and taurine.

Hydration IV

Replenish fluids with 1000 ml LR or NS.

High Dose Vitamin C IV

Improve overall wellness and immune support. Help chronic conditions such as fatigue, fibromyalgia, migraines, muscle spasms, and allergies. Great for pre and post-op. Contains vitamin C, B12, folic acid, B complex, minerals, and magnesium.

Alpha Lipoic Acid IV

A powerful antioxidant that has been shown to reduce oxidation and inflammation. Improves blood sugar, insulin levels, and nerve function associated with diabetic neuropathy. Alpha lipoic acid appears to help reduce inflammation and slow skin aging.

IV Therapy Customizable Add-Ons

Amino Acids

Repair tissue, build muscle, and promote cardiovascular health and energy.


Strengthens hair, skin, and nails.


Pain relief, and balances cellular energy.


Reduce inflammation, muscle relaxation, improve heart health, relieve chronic fatigue, and manage hypertension.


Cardiovascular health, cognitive function, fat metabolism, and exercise recovery.

Vitamin C

Essential for the immune system, collagen production.

Sodium Bicarbonate

Lower blood acidity, restore bicarbonate levels, treat metabolic acidosis. 


Supports the immune system, wound healing, and gut health.

Skinny Shot

Includes methionine, inositol, and choline to help dissolve fat, lower cholesterol and remove waste.


Maintain healthy nerve cells, increase energy and mental clarity.


Powerful antioxidant that facilitates detoxification and is associated with health and longevity.

Parenteral Therapy

What is Parenteral Therapy?

Intravenous (IV) therapy and injection (intramuscular, subcutaneous) of vitamins, minerals, and homeopathy is a safe and effective way to deliver nutrients in a timely and efficient manner. Parenteral means substances given by this route are directly absorbed into the circulatory system, bypassing the “enteric system” or gastrointestinal tract and liver, thereby increasing the absorptive capability of the individual.

Who Can Benefit From Parenteral Therapy?

Parenteral therapies benefit clients with a variety of conditions, both chronic or acute conditions. For those individuals who are generally healthy and interested in “anti-aging” or simply preventative medicine.

Advantages of Parenteral Therapy

For individuals with compromised intestinal absorption (i.e. cancer, Chron’s, IBS, ulcerative colitis, etc.), IV therapy bypasses intestinal absorption of the nutrients and thereby may offer therapeutic value over oral administration. Also, I.V. therapy enables rapid delivery of higher concentrations of ingredients that may not be possible by oral means. Therefore, for individuals who are severely depleted or in need of high and rapid availability of nutrients, IV therapy may be beneficial and is at times strongly recommended.